Benefits of Having a Licensed Registered Nurse
A fundamental part of the surgical experience takes place outside of the operating room. Recovering from surgery, regardless of the type, can be physically and emotionally challenging for the patient and their family. It may not be possible for family members to take the necessary time off of work to care for a loved one after surgery. Caregivers can be a big help, but you may require an extra level of skilled care that can only be provided by a licensed nurse.
Pretty Saddity Recovery provides the support you need so that you can heal privately in your preferred environment. Our nurses can provide daily check-ups or around-the-clock care to ensure the utmost comfort during your post-surgical recovery. A private nurse can help prevent post-surgical infections by providing the one-on-one attention you need, including wound care, pain management, and patient and family education.
Booking a registered nurse will protect your investment by assuring you have excellent post operative care.
Post-op Nursing Services
- Patient and family education – review discharge instructions to ensure successful recovery.
- Surgical site care, including wound care.
- Monitoring for signs and symptoms of infection
- Pain management
- Medication management, including administration of oral or IV medications according to doctor’s orders.
- Care team communication – contact patient’s doctor, surgeon, or other members of care team to revise care and provide status updates as necessary.
Director of Nursing
When we are at our most vulnerable, wouldn’t it be great not to worry? To know that you have adequately prepared for your postoperative experience. Being confident, knowing that both your personal and medical needs are addressed. I realized there are several aftercare service providers; however, many of these providers are not employed as a qualified and knowledgable Registered Nurse. Cosmetic surgery is a BIG deal! We focus so much of our energy on finding the perfect surgeon and our final results!! Most times, aftercare is not given much consideration leading to a lack of preparation.
I founded Pretty Saddity Recovery, a concierge-style nursing service, with the belief that we could genuinely elevate the post surgical aftercare experience. As an experienced Registered Nurse and cosmetic surgery patient, I understand your needs as both a patient and a licensed professional. My vision is to provide a holistic, proactive approach to cosmetic aftercare management. I sincerely believe Pretty Saddity Recovery provides exceptional aftercare to meet our client’s every need. I want our clients to have complete peace of mind we will meet their every need, and I am unwilling to settle for anything less.
Ms. Brittany Harris has over 15 years healthcare experience & 13 years of nursing experience. Ms. Harris is committed to delivering the highest level of nursing care to clients recovering from cosmetic procedures.
Ms. Harris has successfully changed the dynamics of the post operative aftercare industry, and has transformed the lives of her clients through her post operative expertise and knowledge.
Ms. Harris' objective is to build an all inclusive post-operative practice; ensuring her clients receive the best preoperative and post operative care possible.